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Our Mission

Inspiring a healthier, happier world by providing accessible and effective fitness solutions.

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Hey There

I’m Ruth, a certified fitness trainer and the creator of these programs. I am thrilled to present you with my simple and natural method for managing your body weight.

All About Me

More than three decades working in the fitness industry, dedicated to training both myself and clients, gives me the experience and the confidance to share these programs with you. I have been committed to fostering the habit of exercise in as many people as I can and will continue doing so.

My motivation to build this website stems from the numerous individuals I encounter who express a desire to improve their physical fitness but feel overwhelmed and uncertain by the vast amount of information out there, not knowing where to begin or how to maximize their time and effort.

Fitness doesn't have to be hard or complicated. In fact, I find it strange that we still continue to die of the so-called affluent diseases cause by obesity like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular diseases. We have so much information now from scientific literature to try to make it work, and be able to enjoy some quality life as we get older.  

Through these simple but structured plans, I have assisted countless clients in enhancing and revitalizing their bodily strength, composition, and overall health.  We dont have to be athletes to achieve a balanced body weight, but we do need certain, specific knowledge in Nutrition and Physical training to make it all work.

Managing your body weight is not hard. But you have to have the right information and the will and discipline to achieve it. Make your training session a special time you enjoy.  Make a habit of it.  This wonderful human machine is a wonder. No matter the size and shape.  Let us be grateful for it and let's make it stronger and healthier.

A tranquil mind is an indispensable aspect of any wellness program. Mindfulness is a practice accessible to all individuals, of all ages and fitness levels. This practice can significantly improve focus, concentration, and memory, while also serving as an effective stress management tool.

If you have any questions or suggestions that you think might help me improve the program, and help others, don't hesitate to send me a note, as I will be improving, adjusting, and updating the program yearly.

I hope I have convinced you to start with these programs today and start taking control of your body weight. It is easier than you might think.

Happy training!

Ruth Henao.

Certified Fitness Trainer.

NSCA. Nacional Strength & Conditioning Association.


1 786-252-5513



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